Become an Amazon seller

€39 (excl. VAT) per month + referral fees
Über 47.250 € an Vorteilen exklusiv für neue Marken!
Starten Sie noch heute bei Amazon und profitieren Sie von einer Vielzahl von Anreizen, die Ihnen helfen, Ihr Unternehmen anzukurbeln, darunter einen Bonus von 10 % auf Ihre ersten 45.000 € an Markenverkäufen, gefolgt von 5 % im ersten Jahr, bis Sie 900.000 € erreichen, was einem Bonuswert von bis zu 47.250 € entspricht!*
* Die Anreize für neue Verkaufspartner unterliegen den jeweiligen Nutzungsbedingungen. Besuchen Sie Seller Central für weitere Informationen.

Sellers in Germany have seen an average 37%* increase in sales when switching to FBA as a result of the fast delivery times that customers love.

* This percentage is based on an analysis of data per channel from Q4/2019 to Q4/2020 (excluding Q2/2020 due to the impact of COVID-19). This serves only as a general guide. It does not reflect real-time updated data and is not specific to an ASIN or product category. Actual results may vary depending on a variety of factors, including but not limited to seasonality, selling price and existing delivery solution. Amazon does not guarantee any particular outcome for your business by using FBA.
computer icon with Amazon Smile logo

millions of customers

Fresh new startups and Fortune 500s. B2B and B2C. Brand owners and resellers. They all sell on Amazon to reach hundreds of millions of active customers worldwide.
shipping icon, aeroplane on top and truck on bottom

Smiling faces on every delivery

Leave the shipping, returns, and customer service to us with Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). Want to take care of shipping yourself? You can do this too.
shipping icon, aeroplane on top and truck on bottom

Make money

Choose from flexible selling plans, product categories, and fulfilment options that fit your business needs.
Just have a few items to sell?

Starten Sie mit über 47.250 € an Anreizen

Erhalten Sie bis zu 10 % zurück auf Markenverkäufe

Wir investieren in neue Marken bei Amazon. Melden Sie Ihre Marke bei der Amazon-Markenregistrierung an, um von folgenden Vorteilen zu profitieren:
10 % zurück auf Ihre ersten 45.000 € an Markenverkäufen, dann 5 % zurück im ersten Jahr, bis Sie 900.000 € erreichen
180 € Gutschrift für Amazon Vine

Werben, erfüllen und wachsen mit Zuversicht

Sie haben alles in Ihr Unternehmen gesteckt — lassen Sie uns Ihre Amazon-Reise also mit Zuversicht beginnen. Alle neuen Verkaufspartner im Tarif Professionell können die folgenden Vorteile nutzen:
90 € Gutschrift für Versandgebühren im Amazon-Versandnetzwerk im Rahmen des Amazon Transportpartnerprogramms oder 180 € Gutschrift für die Versandgebühren, bei Verwendung von Amazon Global Logistics
Wenn Sie Versand durch Amazon nutzen, erhalten Sie kostenlose Lagerung und Kundenrücksendungen mit automatischer Registrierung für das Programm für neue Artikel im Sortiment von Versand durch Amazon
Befreiung vom Aufschlag für die Lagernutzung für ein Jahr nach Erhalt des Versand durch Amazon-Lagerbestands und von der Gebühr für die Deckung der Kosten für niedrigen Lagerbestand (EU-weit) für das erste Jahr nach dem ersten Pan-EU-Aktivdatum
45 € Gutschrift für die Erstellung von gesponserte Produkte Kampagnen
45 € Gutschrift zum Erstellen von Amazon-Coupons
Illustration of a sales chart with an arrow moving up and to the right


Get answers to frequently asked questions about using Amazon for e-commerce.
How do I start a business on Amazon?
Starting as a seller on Amazon is easier than you think. To start selling on Amazon, you simply have to carry out the following steps one by one:
  • First, set your selling plan based on the number of products you think you'll be selling per month. We offer two selling plans: Individual and Professional. We even have a simple fee calculator for selling on Amazon to help you understand how much you can earn from each selling plan for a specific number of products sold.
  • Next, you need to complete the registration process. To do this, you'll need your Amazon customer account information or a work email address and your (or your company's) credit card details. You will also need a valid identity document (e.g. a passport copy or an identity card). If you run a business, you'll also need your company registration details, including your VAT registration number, phone number and bank account information.
  • Once your registration is complete, you will be granted access to your Seller Central account from where you can manage your business.
  • Next, you can offer your products by listing and uploading a product ID, SKU, product title, product description, product images and search terms, as well as relevant keywords and the costs for each product on Amazon.
  • Now you need to choose the right shipping option to deliver your products to your customers.
  • Now you're ready to sell your products on Amazon.
Is Amazon the right store for you?
The short answer is: yes. The biggest household brands are sold on Amazon. The same applies to emerging brands that will pop up on your radar soon.
Small and medium-sized companies thrive here and account for more than half of the sales in our stores worldwide.
Whatever your company is – and no matter how big it is – we're excited to see you grow with us. Find your business model and start your online shop today.
How long does it take for Amazon to pay its sellers?
Amazon will disburse your account balance 14 days after you register your seller account. This means that Amazon will make a payment to your bank account on your disbursement date. The disbursement process repeats every 14 days.
How much does it cost to sell a product on Amazon?
The referral fees you pay depend on your selling plan and the type of products you sell.

Selling plan chargesThese are the fees you pay for your selling plan, and they vary depending on which plan you have selected.
If you choose the Professional selling plan, you'll be charged a flat fee of €39 per month rather than a per-item fee (meaning you'll only pay €39 per month regardless of how many items you've sold).
If you choose the Individual selling plan, you pay a fee of €0.99 for each item you sell on Amazon.
Referral fees
These fees are charged per item sold and include brokerage fees (which are a percentage of the selling price and vary by product category) and variable closing fees (which apply only to media categories).

Fulfilment fees
When you fulfil orders yourself, Amazon shipping rates apply. We calculate these shipping rates based on the product category and shipping service selected by the buyer

Fulfilment by Amazon
Products that Amazon fulfils for you (known as Fulfilment by Amazon or FBA) are subject to order fulfilment, storage, and optional services fees.
How much money do Amazon sellers make as a beginner?
There isn't one right answer, but the fact is that Amazon offers you unlimited growth potential. Once you start selling your products, there are multiple ways to grow your Amazon business.

As soon as you launch your Amazon selling business, we provide you with plenty of tools to help you take your business to the next level. As a brand owner, you can generate more revenue with the Perfect Launch Plan while enjoying the benefits of Amazon's new brand bonus.
Do I need a limited liability company to sell on Amazon?
No You don't need a limited liability company to sell on Amazon. As a sole proprietor, you can immediately start selling under your name. A sole proprietorship is fine if you're just getting started with e-commerce and want to try your hand at selling on Amazon. Learn more about selling on Amazon through the Seller University.
How can I register as a seller on Amazon?
To get started, you'll first need to complete your registration. Please make sure you have the following to hand:
  • Business email address or Amazon customer account
  • Credit card with sufficient credit (international cards are also accepted)
  • Valid passport or national ID (identity verification protects sellers and customers)
  • Company registration details, including VAT registration number.
Our handy beginner's guide provides detailed information on everything you need to know to become a seller on Amazon.
What items must be approved to sell on Amazon?
Some categories are open to all sellers, while others require a professional selling account. There are also some product categories that require official approval from Amazon for you to start selling. There are also certain product categories that cannot be sold by third-party sellers.

The following product categories must be approved to sell on Amazon:
  • Grocery
  • Jewellery
  • Watches
  • Clothing
  • Beer, wine & spirits
  • Health & personal care
  • Personal care devices
For more detailed information, visit the Seller University to learn how to be successful as an Amazon seller.
Who can sell on Amazon?
Anyone can start selling on Amazon! Both emerging brands and some of the biggest Fortune 500 companies call Amazon home. Whatever your business is – and whatever size it is – with us, you can reach hundreds of millions of customers who visit Amazon every day to shop.
Whether you're an individual or a professional, you can start here with all the information you need.
Illustrated woman standing in front of boxes on a conveyor belt in an Amazon Fulfilment Centre

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